The astonishing price we pay!
I have heard it said sometimes that there is such a "high cost to low living!" This cartoon reminded me of that fact!
As a person who gets 37 miles to the gallon (praise God for Honda!) I don't relate to this comic very well, but as someone who deals with depravity on a regular basis I totally comprehend this feeling! You know we laugh about the cliche "it'll cost an arm and a leg." We make jokes, comics, sermons, etc. about this cliche but I think we live this way more often than naught. How often do we willingly sacrifice a lasting reward of righteousness for a passing moment of pleasure. We surrender an eye, a leg, a thought, a hand, a word, a limb, a kiss, a stomach, a leg, just to gain a momentary and passing pleasure. I was reading CS Lewis recently and he said, "Joy is never in our power but pleasure always is." That is so true! Pleasure is just a website away, a liquor store away, a phone call away, a night away, an act away, a word away. Sin is always around us and as I look around me I realize that the passing pleasure of sin is just a breath away. However, isn't it amazing that Joy is inside of us. "For the Joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame!" Jesus is the Joy inside of every believer. I think that we must understand that low living has a high price (an arm and a leg) but righteous living is only imparted by the One who gives righteousness, and He is our Joy.
Come, Come let us join our cheerful songs
With angels round the throne
10,000 thousand are their tongues
But all their Joys are One.
-Isaac Watts
Worthy Worthy Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Worthy Worthy Worthy our humble lips exclaim.
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive honor and praise
'Cause Jesus You were slain
-Ben Zornes