What makes a man or woman burn for the Gospel? It is the restless knowledge that there is Someone greater, worth burning for. The martyr is martyred because he has caught a glimpse of the glory of God and could not remain silent!

Friday, January 20, 2006


Some may be wondering, with my cool new template if the numbers "565" stand for anything. The simple answer is...no! Here are the two verses in the bible that have those numbers, and startlingly, they fit!

Ps 56:5 "All day long they twist my words;they are always plotting to harm me." NIV

Isa 56:5 "...to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters;I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off." NIV



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is great! I never saw that before!

7:21 PM, January 23, 2006


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