We were there... at Grandma's for Thanksgiving. We are here... at home, laying ceramic tile. We seem to be everywhere... church, meetings, Bethany's house, work, the store and to Home Depot several times a day (or so it seems). We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and are looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior!
We braved the blustery snow this afternoon to have another Africa "youth" team meeting! Tomorrow night we will all gather together to discuss what is being done, what has been done and what needs to be done between now and January 7!
While the men on our team lead a conference for native pastors, the "youth" team will be busy on the streets! We will be leading several mini vacation Bible school lessons, visiting Compassion International schools, pulic schools, a crucade and speaking at a variety of churches. The Biblical accounts of Zacchaeus, Peter and John, and Jesus calming the storm will become increasingly familiar to all of us! Our youth team will sing fun kid songs, do puppet shows, clowning, mimes and crafts!
I will post more details later! For now, please pray for our team as we finalize our plans! Pray that we can all keep our sanity in the next 5 weeks! Pray that we will all reach our financial needs!
I have been learning lately about God's beauty. I have realized that I want to be enthralled by God's beauty and grace. His grace is enough. Without it, I am nothing. It may seem strange to call God beautiful. But He is. Do you know what God's beauty looks like? God's beauty is made seen in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is God's beauty. We are called Christians, meaning "little Christ". We are a "little beauty of God" for the world to see. Do we act like it? Do I show God's beauty by how I live, speak and act? Hardly. Oh, that I would be so consumed by the beauty of God that I, like Moses, would glow with the light of God's glory for all the world to see! This is the cry of my heart, "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of Your laws, we (I) wait for You; Your name and renown are (is) the desire of our (my) hearts (heart)."
For His Name and Renown,