What makes a man or woman burn for the Gospel? It is the restless knowledge that there is Someone greater, worth burning for. The martyr is martyred because he has caught a glimpse of the glory of God and could not remain silent!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Home Sweet Home

We have been home almost one week. How time flies! It is amazing to think of all we saw, heard and tasted. Adjusting to home has been difficult in some regards, but refreshing in others! I have been able to catch up on the sleep I have missed the last three months! Yet, I am no longer seeing the faces of my dear new African friends. Ahhhhhh... the memories are precious and I cannot wait until the next time God allows me to travel His beautiful earth! (And a trip to Cheyenne does not count. Although, wait, there is plenty of missions to be had in my own family!)

I must say one thing before I close. The faith of the Christians in Africa blew me away. Genuine. Strong. Passionate. They ask God for miracles, healings and wonders. And they get them. God had already been working on my heart in this area before I left. Why don't I see miracles? Why don't I ask for them? I do not see because I do not ask and I do not ask because I do not see. My faith of God is small. I have faith IN God, but what about my faith OF God. Confusing, huh? I want to see miracles. I want to taste the mysterious side of God and walk away with faith that moves mountains! Several times while in Africa, I felt like God was saying, "Jaclyn, watch. Jaclyn, did you see that? Jaclyn, ask. Jaclyn, ASK!" I am not meaning ask and put God to the test. I am meaning ask and believe. Believe and trust when the requests are not granted. Yet, I think we have been taught a lie. I think the enemy has tried to convince us that asking of God is testing God. (And I think it CAN be sometimes.) But, how many times, if we would just have the faith to ask, would God lavishly pour out and therefore increase our faith to ask for more!?!? Am I making sense? God is a God worth trusting. If He was not worth trusting, He would not be God. It is me that falters. And although I do not trust as I should, that does not change God's trustworthiness. Each answered prayer, each blessing, each thing I learn about God is another reason to trust.

So there are my first thoughts, as jumbled as they are! I will post with more details on the trip happenings soon! Thank you for your prayers and support! We saw God do some incredible things with us and through us.

Grace and peace,