Woah! Does this scream I AM?! You see when the scripture says, "The heavens are declaring the glories of God," it is true! This is the center of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). The one "crossbar" is 100 light-years across. This entire picture is 1100 light years across. And this puppy is 51,ooo,ooo light years away. FYI a light year is the distance light travels in a year. Light is moving on...6,000,000,000,000 miles in a year. Now multiply that by 51 mil and you are at the Whirlpool galaxy! Now when Christ sacrificed himself on the cross he became the cross at the centerof the universe. The cross is one of the greatest glories of God and the Whirlpool galaxy is screaming night and day, "this is for real guys! Hey, you in the Milky Way, He's given you redemption! Salvation! Life! Freedom!" That is truly the heavens declaring the Glory of God.
So the Next time you look at the big dipper lower your eyes about 10 arcseconds and you'll be staring face to face with a message to heed!
Far out...
For His renown,
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